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How do I read my Switchboard Call Reports?

The Switchboard Call report enhances the tracking and calculation of call statistics, providing better accuracy. Below is a short video explaining each category and the information you can derive from the Switchboard Report. Alternatively, you can read the article below. 

YUMBI Insights is a reporting tool available to those who have access to the YUMBI platform. To find the Switchboard Report which displays the call reporting for your call-in orders, you will need to log into your YUMBI Account and from there select the Reports Tab from your Launchpad. Once reaching Reports, you will find the Calls Report on the left-hand panel under Switchboard, as highlighted below: 

Once you select the Calls Report several filters and categories will be displayed as well as a grid of call stats. The Switchboard Report allows you to filter by Date, Brand, Restaurant, and Call Centre. The ability to filter individually and across all Brands/Restaurants is also available.

The categories that summarize the Report cover two aspects of the Switchboard Report:

The first category covers “Key Health Stats” which is the overall accuracy and reliability of the call data that is being displayed. This category would cover the following:

Orders Linked to Calls:‘

This refers to the number of orders that could be matched to a call using a unique call identifier associated with the store. The following breakdown is presented:

  • Orders associated with the store dialed.
  • Orders placed from another store dialed.

Orders from Unknown Calls:
These orders cannot be directly associated with any specific store due to insufficient information. As a result, they are classified as "unknown calls."

To resolve this issue:

  1. Verify that the Euphoria Agent Manager for YUMBI integration is set up correctly for all information to be shared. Refer to the article “How do I set up Agent Manager for YUMBI integration?" for detailed instructions. If the Switchboard is using Euphoria Workspace, contact Euphoria directly for assistance. 
  2. If the store dialed appears as "Unknown restaurant" on the Switchboard platform (see image below), raise this issue with Euphoria. They can help ensure that the calls coming into the call centre display the correct restaurant name.

Stores with Missing Calls:
This refers to stores that have received more orders than the total number of calls that can be associated with those orders. e.g. If a store has received 100 orders, there should be at least 100 calls on its associated order queue, or in the case of a combo store, another linked stores order queue.

It’s important to note that if there are 25% or more calls that are missing, the calls data summary report will not be displayed and the respective stores with missing calls will be highlighted in red on the table. This means that there are orders placed at the restaurant from the switchboard platform, however, there are no calls on the VoIP API. Therefore, this indicates a lot of calls that are unaccounted for thus rendering the data unreliable. To resolve this issue; Call centre administrators would need to contact the VoIP provider (Euphoria) to get assistance in ensuring that calls are available on the API (where YUMBI pulls and aggregates the data).

The second category covers queue stats, which include the Order and Query Queue, as well as the combined data of these queues in the “All Queues” panel.

Note: These calculations are only performed for stores without missing call data.

The Queue Categories cover the following information:

  • Total Calls
  • Number of Answered Calls
  • Number of Abandoned Calls
  • Total Orders Placed
  • The Time Taken to Answer a Call
  • The Time Taken Handling a Call
  • Total Sales Made
  • The Sales Per Minute for all Calls and Orders placed

The Order Queue is an indicator of all calls made to the Call Centre.

The Query Queue is an indicator of all the calls made to the Store directly.

The above categories provide insightful summaries of the data provided by the report.

In addition to the Summaries, the Switchboard Report provides a breakdown of each store’s call stats. The grid displayed below is an example of what one would view when displaying information for specific stores on the Call Centre. This grid of information can also be filtered by using the search option to find specific values or stores.


The grid displays call information for individual restaurants which are set into different categories. The categories include:

This is the name of the store on the Switchboard that the data represents.
Total Calls
This includes all calls made to the restaurant displayed in the row, plus all calls made to other restaurants that resulted in an order placed at this restaurant.

Note: Download the CSV for a detailed breakdown of the Report.
Store Orders
This refers to the total number of phone-in orders that were successfully placed at the restaurant.
Orders to other storesThis refers to the total number of phone-in orders that were successfully placed at stores other than your own. These orders were made by dialing the store displayed in the corresponding row.
Store Order RateThis percentage represents orders relative to total calls.

Note: This includes both calls made directly to the restaurant displayed in the row and calls made to other restaurants that resulted in orders placed at this restaurant.
Overall Order RateThis percentage represents store orders including orders to other stores relative to total calls.
Abandoned RateThis is the percentage of calls that were abandoned after they arrived on the store's order and query queue.
This is the total sum amount of all sales made through Switchboard of orders placed direct at the store, inclusive of VAT.
Sales to other storesThis is the total sum amount of all sales made through Switchboard of orders placed to other stores, inclusive of VAT.
Order Queue Abandonment RateThis is the percentage of calls that were abandoned after they arrived on the store's order queue.
Matched RateThis refers to how many orders we are able to match to an inbound Call using the Unique Call Identifier Record

The Grid Information can be exported for data analysis and provides additional categories of information using the CSV Option.

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