Switchboard, the YUMBI Call Centre platform, retains each customers' order history to easily create repeat orders.
To view a customers' previous orders, the following steps should be followed:
- Locate the customer record using the steps outlined in the article Searching for an existing customer record.
- Once the customer record has been located, the Agent must select the appropriate record by clicking on the "view" link (See Figure 1).
Figure 1: Customer Search View Link
3. When viewing an existing customer record, the customer order history is presented in the Past Order results grid (See Figure 2).
Figure 2: Past Order Results
This Past Order table will only present orders that were successfully submitted to the restaurant. Note that this does not necessarily mean that they were successfully received by the restaurant.
The orders are always presented with the most recent order at the top and where more than one page of results is returned, the Agent can navigate through additional pages by using the controls located on the bottom left-hand side of the results grid.
If there are valid previous orders, the Agent can review the products included in a particular previous order by clicking on the "View Details" link (See Figure 2). Selecting this link will present the Agent with the Previous Order Breakdown modal (See Figure 3).
Figure 3: Previous Order Breakdown Modal
If no valid previous orders exist for the customer record, the Agent will be presented with the text "No records to display". (See Figure 4)
Figure 4: No Valid Previous Orders