You can watch this quick video to find out how to log in and out of the Switchboard platform or read the instructions below.
Login Process:
To log in to the Switchboard portal, agents need to perform the following steps:
Navigate in the web browser to the appropriate brand portal login page.
Enter the email address and password allocated to them and click on the "Sign In" button (See Figure 1).
Figure 1: Sign-In Page
3. Once logged in, they will be presented with the Customer Search page where they can proceed with taking customer orders (See Figure 2).
Figure 2: Customer Search Page
If an agent incorrectly enters their password more than 3 times during the login attempt, their user account will be automatically locked. To unlock the account an email needs to be sent to requesting the account to be unlocked.
If an agent does not proactively login at the start of their shift, the first time they receive a customer call and the browser is launched they will need to complete the login process.
Logout Process:
To log out of the Switchboard portal, agents need to perform the following steps:
Navigate to each of the brand-specific portals that they have access to and select the Logout button located at the top right corner of the browser (See Figure 3).
Figure 3: Agent Logout Button