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How do I view my Order Summary Report?

The Order Summary Report offers a detailed analysis including the Restaurant's Sales Breakdown, Transaction Types, Payment Methods, and Tender Types for orders placed at your store. Additionally, this report features a link labeled “View Failed Order Summary,” which directs you to the Failed Orders Report. This report provides an overview of unsuccessful order attempts made by customers at your restaurant, helping you to understand and address issues that may be impacting customer experience 

You can find out more about the Failed Order Report by reading this knowledge base article.  

Watch a short video below on the Order Summary Report or read the information that follows: 

Below we hope to answer any questions you may have and explore what this report has to offer.

Where can I find the Order Summary Report?

This report can be found on the left-hand Panel on the YUMBI Reports page. Under the Overview Tab, you can find this report named “Order Summary” (See Figure 1) or by following this link to the report itself.

Figure 1

What are Sales Breakdown, Transaction Types, Payment Methods, and Tender Types?

Sales Breakdown:
This summary provides a breakdown of the total amount of sales made from the orders received by the store over the selected period.

Transaction Types:
This summary provides a breakdown of the order transaction types that the customer chose to place their order through the online ordering platforms offered by YUMBI.

Payment Methods:
This summary provides a breakdown of the payment method the customers chose when placing the order.

Tender Types:
This summary provides a breakdown of the online payment methods the customers used to pay for their orders online.

How can I filter this report?

The Order Summary Report has three primary ways of filtering this report. These three options are: Date, Brand, and Channels

Which channels can I filter by?

All channels: 
This filter option will present the number of customers that have placed orders on the App, Website, Call centre, on iOS and Android mobile devices.

All Online:
This filter option will present the number of customers that have placed orders on the App, Website, on iOS and Android mobile devices only.

All Mobile:
This filter option will present the number of customers that have placed orders on the App, on iOS and Android mobile devices.

Call Centre: 
This filter option will only present the number of customers that have placed phone orders, which are captured on the YUMBI Ordering Platform at the Call Centre by an Agent.

This filter option will only present the number of customers who have placed orders from iPhone Operating System devices i.e. iPhone mobile devices.

This filter option will only present the number of customers who have placed orders from Android Operating System devices i.e. Samsung, Huawei mobile devices.

What do the columns represent on the Order Summary Report of each drop-down option?

Below, we will walk through each column on the report and what the data refers to:

order summary 1.png

Sales Breakdown filtering option provides the following data:

The data shown in this row belongs to the restaurant listed in this column. When you select the restaurant in this column, you will be taken to view Itemised Orders. Itemised orders provide a breakdown of funds each individual customer sent on the order they placed.

Product Sales:
This refers to the total sales made of the orders that were received at the store.

Delivery Fees:
This refers to the total delivery charge amount of the orders that were placed at the restaurant and were charged with a delivery fee.

Driver Tips:
This refers to the total amount of delivery tips from orders that were placed at the restaurant for delivery.

Gross Sales:
This refers to the grand total of all sale transactions the store has received, without any deductions. For this report, Gross Sales is calculated as follows [Product Sales + Delivery Fees + Driver Tips]

This column shows the total amount of discounts applied on orders received at the store with a voucher or discount voucher.

Nett Sales:
This refers to the total sales amount of orders received by the store after deductions of discounts were used on the order. For this report, the Net Sales is calculated as follows [Gross Sales - Discounts]

Prepaid Amount:
This refers to the total sales amount of the orders that the store received where customers choose to pay either by cash or card on delivery or in-store.

Outstanding Amount:
This refers to the total sales amount of orders that were paid online and received by the store. This amount is to be paid out to the Restaurant by YUMBI.

Transaction Types filtering option provides the following data:

The data shown in this row belongs to the restaurant listed in this column. When you select the restaurant in this column, you will be taken to view Itemised Orders. Itemised orders provide a breakdown of funds each individual customer sent on the order they placed.

Total Orders:
This column shows the total number of orders placed at the restaurant viewed in the row.

This column displays the number of collection orders that were placed at the restaurant viewed in the row.

This column displays the number of delivery orders that were placed at the restaurant viewed in the row.

This column presents the number of phone orders that were placed at the Call Centre at your outlet viewed in the row.

This column presents the number of online orders that were placed through the Online Ordering App or Website at your outlet viewed in the row.

POS Integrated:
If your store has a Point of Sales Service integrated for Online Ordering, this column will display the number of orders that were received at your outlet through the Point of Sale system.

GSM Printer:
This column will display the number of orders that were received on the YUMBI GSM Printer at your outlet.

Payment Types filtering option provides the following data:

The data shown in this row belongs to the restaurant listed in this column. When you select the restaurant in this column, you will be taken to view Itemised Orders. Itemised orders provide a breakdown of funds each individual customer sent on the order they placed.

Pay In-Store: 
This column displays the total amount of collection orders that were paid in-store at your outlet viewed in the row.

Cash On Delivery:
This column shows the total amount of cash payments received from delivery orders that were placed at your outlet viewed in the row.

Card On Delivery:
This column shows the total amount of card payments received from delivery orders that were placed at your outlet viewed in the row.

Pay Online:
This column presents the total amount of online card payments received from orders that were placed at your outlet in the viewed row.

Payment Vouchers:
This column presents the total amount of payment vouchers that were redeemed on the orders placed at your restaurant in the viewed row. These vouchers can either be sponsored by the Brand or a 3rd Party has purchased vouchers from YUMBI to give to their customers to use.

Discount Vouchers:
This column presents the total amount of discount vouchers that were redeemed on the orders placed at your restaurant in the viewed row. These are vouchers requested by outlets themselves, either through the YUMBI eVoucher Request Form through the Engage (campaign section) on the YUMBI Dashboard.

By clicking here you can find more information on Payment Vouchers and Discount Vouchers.

The Grid Information can be exported for data analysis and provides additional categories of information using the CSV Option.

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