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Why are my Delivery Tribe Stats & YUMBI stats different?

Delivery Tribe, Point of Sale (POS) Providers, and YUMBI have integrated to offer stores and customers an easy online ordering experience. However, Delivery Tribe and POS Providers are independent entities separate from YUMBI.
The YUMBI Delivery Summary reports will only include delivery orders processed through the YUMBI platform. Orders captured directly on the POS provider's system will only appear in the Delivery Tribe report. For example, if a store captures 5 delivery orders on the POS system and another 3 orders are placed through the YUMBI Platform, the Delivery Tribe report will show 8 orders, while the YUMBI Delivery Summary will show only 3. Please refer to the illustrations below.

The below figure represents delivery orders that don't involve YUMBI but should be in the Delivery Tribe report.

This figure shows  the delivery tribe orders that were captured on AURA including the orders that came through the YUMBI platform.

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