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What's the best type of internet connectivity for my Call Centre?

To ensure seamless operations and an optimal customer experience, choosing the right internet connection for your Call Centre is essential. Below are the recommended types of connections and our suggestions for setup. Keep in mind that compromising on internet quality can result in subpar platform performance, negatively impacting customer interactions and potentially leading to revenue loss.

ADSL Connections:

  • Primary ADSL Connection: This should be a minimum of 4Mbps, aimed at handling data for the Aura POS & the YUMBI Call Centre Platform. Your local Telkom exchange's capacity may affect the maximum speed available. This connection can be shared but must be reliable. Choose a suitable data package from providers like Telkom or Afrihost.
  • Secondary ADSL Connection: Dedicated solely to VoIP telephone calls. This does not require a data package as Euphoria will manage the line rental and provide VoIP services via an IPC account. ADSL allows up to 8 concurrent calls, ensuring reliable communication channels.

Fibre Connections:

  • While ADSL suffices for basic needs, Fibre offers a substantially faster and more stable connection. We recommend a minimum speed for basic operations and suggest opting for an uncapped data plan to avoid interruptions.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): It’s crucial to arrange for QoS on your Fibre line. Allocating at least 1 Megabyte of your Fibre connection specifically for voice traffic ensures that 25 concurrent calls can be handled without interference from other data usage.

LTE as a Redundancy Measure(backup):

  • For added security and continuity, installing a dedicated LTE internet connection is advised. This acts as a backup in case of ADSL or Fibre outages, ensuring that customer calls are always received.

It is imperative to maintain these standards to avoid any detrimental impact on your service delivery, call centre performance and overall business performance.

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