What information can be used during a search?
You can watch this quick video showing you how to search for an existing customer or read the instructions below.
Searching for an existing customer record can be performed using any of the following pieces of information:
Telephone Number
First Name
Last Name
How should a search be performed?
To conduct a search, the following steps should be performed:
Log in to the appropriate Switchboard brand portal.
Click on the "Customers" tab to view the Customer Search Page (See Figure 1).
Enter the customer telephone number, First Name or Last Name.
Click on the "Search" button
Figure 1: Customer Search Page
Where will matching customer records be presented?
Customer records matching any of the search parameters are presented in the grid below the search input fields (See Figure 2).
Figure 2: Customer Search Results Page with Match
An indication of the total number of matching results is presented in the bottom right corner of the results grid, and if more than one page of results is available, the Agent can navigate through the additional pages by clicking on the left and right arrows presented on the bottom left corner of the results grid.
What happens if no matching customer records are found?
If a search is performed using the customers first or last name and no match is found, the grid presented below the search input fields will be updated to contain the text: "No records to display" (See Figure 3).

Figure 3: Customer Results Page with No Match
If a search is performed using the customer's telephone number and no match is found, the agent will automatically be presented with the Create New Customer Modal with the telephone number pre-populated with the telephone number used to conduct the search (See Figure 4&5).
Figure 4: Select the New Customer Button
Figure 5: Create New Customer Modal