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What is the Campaign Summary Report?

The Campaign Summary Report provides an overview of all campaigns that have been run by a brand, or its associated restaurants during a given period of time.

The report is intended to provide a high-level view of campaign performance, including key metrics, as well as to allow users to download a more detailed CSV file that can be filtered using tools such as Google Sheets, or MS Excel.

You can watch a short video on the Campaign Summary Report here:


Filtering Options

The results for this report can be filtered by using one of the drop-down options presented at the top of the screen:

  • Campaign Start Date
    This is the date range during which campaigns are/were scheduled to start

  • Brand (Optional)
    This is the brand the campaigns are associated with

  • Restaurant (Optional)
    This is to filter for specific restaurants that have run a campaign in the selected date range. Note that only restaurants that have actually run a campaign during the selected date range will be displayed in this list.

  • Campaign (Optional)
    This is a list of the campaigns that were initiated during the selected date range

  • Reporting Period
    This is the number of days that customer orders, and voucher redemptions belonging to customers who were communicated with as part of a campaign should be attributed to the campaign. The default value is 7 days, however this can be updated as per the drop-down.

  • Campaign Type (Optional)
    This allows you to choose whether only brand or only restaurant initiated campaigns should be displayed. By default this will show all campaigns that have been run.

Summary Panels

The sections below describe what information is displayed in each of the summary panels.

Campaign Breakdown

This panel provides an overview of how many campaigns were run, how many SMS and/or Push Message communications were sent, as well as the total number of voucher codes redeemed, and their associated value inclusive of tax (assuming the campaigns run during the period contained a voucher code).

Most Popular Templates

This panel provides an overview of the most popular campaign templates run during the date period and based on the filter options selected.

Top Campaign Initiators

This panel provides an overview of the top initiators of campaigns during the date period and based on the filter options selected.

Campaign Performance Grid

The performance grid provide an overview of each campaign run during the period and is updated based on the additional filtering options.

  • Start Date
    This is the date and time at which the first SMS and/or Push Message was sent to consumers telling them about the campaign

  • Campaign Name
    This is the name of the campaign template run

  • Customer Cohort
    This column shows customers segmented by shared characteristics for targeted marketing, e.g., those active within 12 months at the store level. 
  • Initiator
    This is the name of the brand, or restaurant that initiated the campaign instance

  • Status
    This is the current status of the campaign, and can have one of several states:
    • Scheduled - Campaign is yet to start
    • Active - Campaign has started and has not yet completed. This is applicable for voucher campaigns.
    • Complete - Campaign has started and also reached its end date. Note that campaigns without a voucher will move to this state as soon as the communication has been sent.
    • Suspended - Campaign has passed its start date, but failed to send any communications.

  • Customers Contacted
    This is the total number of customers who actually received a SMS or Push Message communication. It's important to note that this can be lower than the maximum number of customers selected when the campaign was schedule. The reasons for this vary, but may be due to rules which prevent customers from receiving too many marketing communications during a certain period of time, or due to the fact that SMS communications could not be delivered to the customers mobile number.

  • Activation Rate
    This is a measure of the total number of customers who were contacted that actually placed at least 1 order during the selected Reporting Period. It is therefore a useful measure to determine whether a given campaign has caused a change in consumer behaviour or not.

  • Activation Rate % Lift
    Provided a campaign contains a control group of customers, this metric provides insight into whether the campaign has resulted in more customers taking action because they were spoken to, versus not speaking to them at all. In this regard, a positive % value is very good as it shows that running the campaign had more impact than doing nothing.

  • Total Orders
    This is the total number of orders placed by customers during the selected Reporting Period who were contacted. Note that this number may be greater than the total number of customers who have ordered, this is due to customers placing multiple orders during the Reporting Period.

  • Product Sales
    Product sales refer to the total value of orders placed during the reporting period by customers who were contacted. Sales are attributed to campaigns based on customer interactions. 

How Product Sales are Calculated:
When a customer is part of multiple campaigns, their order is credited to all of the campaigns they interacted with, even if only one purchase was made. This method of attribution may result in the total campaign sales being higher than the actual revenue generated.

For example: If a customer receives two campaign messages—"1 Small Pizza – R40.00" and "3 Medium Pizzas – R200.00", and then orders the 1 Small Pizza, that product sale is attributed to both campaigns. This is what we mean by attribution
: every campaign gets credit for the customer's order, even if they ordered only once.

  • Avg Order Value
    This is the average basket size of orders placed during the Reporting Period by customers who were contacted.

  • Avg Order Value % Lift
    Provided a campaign contains a control group of customers, this metric provides insight into whether the campaign has resulted in customers placing orders with a greater average value because they were spoken to, versus those who were not. In this regard, a positive % value is very good as it shows that running the campaign had more impact than doing nothing.

  • Redemptions
    This is only applicable to campaigns that contain a voucher code. It is the total number of vouchers that have been redeemed by customers who were spoken to during the selected Reporting Period.

  • Redemption Rate
    This is only applicable to campaign that contain a voucher code. It is a percentage of the number of vouchers that have been redeemed, compared to the total number of customer orders during the selected Reporting Period.

  • Redeemed Amount
    This is the total value of the vouchers that have been redeemed during the selected Reporting Period.

Additional Campaign Data

A more detailed set of campaign performance information can be extracted by clicking on the CSV button located at the bottom of the grid.

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