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How do I get the right information from my reports?

We understand how important it is to make business decisions based on the most accurate information available to you. As such, we have added a number of varied filters that you can apply on each report in order to get the most accurate data returned to you.

You can watch a short video taking you through Reports or read the article below.

This information can be filtered according to either the date, brand, or restaurant (or any combination thereof) that is relevant to your search. Different reports have their own varied and relevant filters on each page, however, on most reports that you will encounter, the following standard filters are available: 

Date Range Filter:

Select the correct date range that you wish to view by selecting results from any of the following:

  1. This month     - From the 1st of the current month until (and including) today’s date

  2. Today              - All current/live results from today’s operations

  3. Yesterday       - All results from yesterday’s operations

  4. Last 7 days     - Taken from today’s date looking back 7 days. NOTE: this also includes today’s results

  1. Last 30 days    - Taken from today’s date looking back 30 days. NOTE: this also includes today’s results

  1. Last Month       - From the 1st of the previous month until (and including) the final day of that month;

  1. Custom Range    - By using the available calendars, a user can select specific dates and ranges.

There are TWO ways in which you can select a custom range:

1. Make a selection by clicking on the dates on the calendar (left hand calendar - “Start Date”, righthand calendar - “End Date”); OR

2. Using the drop down list to select a month and year, followed by the day on the left hand calendar (start date), and repeating this step on the right hand calendar (end date). 

NOTE: In order for the above to take effect, you will need to click “Apply” for the system to filter this request accordingly.

Brand Filter

For users with high level access (e.g.: brand representatives, or franchisees who have multiple stores across a number of brands), there may be multiple brands assigned to them, and will have to filter their search accordingly, or select “All Brands” to view results across all associated brands. Users that are only associated with one brand will only have this option available to them. 

NOTE: You are also able to search for a particular brand by simply typing its name when clicking onto the drop list. 

Restaurant Filter

Depending on the number of restaurants that are associated with your profile, these will be populated on this dropdown list. Once you select a restaurant, the system will automatically show results for that restaurant. You can either view results for “All Restaurants” or an individual restaurant. 

You can simply scroll through the list of restaurants provided to you, or you can search for a specific restaurant by typing its name when clicking onto the drop list. Viewing multiple or a variation of restaurants is currently unavailable.

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