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How do I read my Delivery Radius Report?

The Delivery Radius Report offers a deeper understanding of your restaurant's delivery operations by using a radius-based system. It illustrates the distances of deliveries from the store and quantifies the orders within these distances. Additionally, this report enriches its insights through data obtained from delivery provider integrations with YUMBI, offering a comprehensive view of your delivery performance. 

You can watch this short video explaining the report or you can read the Q&A's below regarding it.

Below we hope to answer any questions you may have and explore what this report has to offer.

Where can I find the Delivery Radius Report?

This report can be found on the left-hand Overview Panel on YUMBI Reports. Under the Deliveries Tab, you can find this report by the name “Delivery Radius” (Figure 1) or by following this link to the report itself.


How can I filter this report?

The Delivery Radius Report has three primary ways of filtering this report. These three options are by Date, Brand and which Radius you wish to view. The Radius Filtering options are 3KM, 4KM & 5KM and Other. Other Refers to Delivery Zones that may extend outside the 5KM Radius

There is a Search Option above the grid of data that one can use to search for specific values or restaurants.

What if my store does not have delivery Radii Configured?

This report generates delivery zones around your stores to categorize this information on the report. A delivery Radius (Distance as the crow flies) is created to categorize the delivery customer address into these delivery radii based on their distance from the store. Any other delivery zones your store may have that receive orders that exceed 5KM will be shown on the OTHER Filter option.

What do the columns represent on the Delivery Radius Report?

Below, we will walk through each column on the report and what the data refers to:


The data shown in this row belongs to the restaurant listed in this column.

Total Deliveries:
This refers to the total amount of Delivery Orders placed at the restaurant.

Total Deliveries for Zone: 
This refers to the total amount of delivery orders that fall into the delivery zone currently being filtered.

% Deliveries for Zone: 
This would refer to the % of deliveries placed at a store that fall into the current filtered zone.

When you reach the Data Columns that include "Valid" this would be referring to successfully tracked deliveries that have been passed onto our system from Delivery Providers YUMBI has integrations with. This data is then populated on this report. 

Valid Deliveries % Valid for Zone: 
These two columns show the number and % of delivery orders that were successfully tracked and passed onto our system for the filtered radius. 

This refers to the validity of the data being passed by the tracked deliveries. If the data for “% Valid for Zone” is more than 50%, the store is displayed to have qualified for the data quality benchmark. 

Under 15 Prep/Under 15 Prep %:
This would refer to the total amount and % of orders that were successfully prepared within the 15 Minute prep time limit.

On-Time Deliveries:
This would refer to the total number of successfully tracked deliveries that arrived and were completed on time. Whether an order is on time is dependent on the Delivery Provider, however, the average time used to determine if an order is on time is 35 Minutes.

Late Deliveries:
This would refer to the total number of deliveries that were delivered successfully after the average delivery time.

Average Prep Time:
This would be the average amount of time it took the order to be prepared by the store to be sent out for delivery.
This data is represented in minutes.

Average Delivery Drive Time:
This would refer to the average time taken to deliver an order while driving. This data is represented in minutes.

Average Total Delivery Time:
This would refer to the average total amount of time taken to complete a delivery order. This data is represented in minutes.

Average Drive Distance KM:
This would represent the average distance driven by the drivers (KM) when delivering successfully tracked deliveries.

Average Rating:
This would be the average rating score provided by customers after receiving confirmation that their order has been delivered.

The Grid Information can be exported for data analysis and provides additional categories of information using the CSV Option.


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